Thursday, January 27, 2011

Text Before You Buy

I know you all have cell phones, if you don't well get with it people its a tech world and we have to stay connected!

Next time you think you are getting a good deal on a cute pair of Dior glasses, stop for a sec and send a text to Google at 466453. All you have to do is type "price" followed by the item name "price Dior cocotte glasses" and bam you will get a text with 4-5 prices and where to get the item. If its retail it even gives you directions from where your are.

Its amazing and just saved me from paying $245.00 (got them for $175.00) My little peepers are happy!!! Now text away, I promise this gets addicting I hope you have unlimited texting.

Love & Unity

Lady V

1 comment:

  1. Is that you Vanessa? Thanx for the post either way..I've added it to my contacts
