Thursday, March 24, 2011

Crazy Cute Socks!

This company is so cool, they make the cutest socks for little girls that come in packs of 3 so you never loose a sock. Mismatching is fun and keeps things fresh so check them out here. Let me know what you think.

Love & Unity, Lady V

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Kit-Kat,my youngest, loves wearing mismatched socks. It actually started, out of tardiness and necessity, when she was first learning to dress herself for school.

    I know what you are thinking: What kind of mother lets her kids run around in mismatched socks? I made my children responsible for themselves at a very early age. They picked out their own clothes for the next day each evening. The criteria: they had to be clean and somewhat coordinated and they must be able to defend the right to wear anything quirky.

    At about the same time, the "sock monster" (you know, the one in the dryer that feeds on every third sock, so it's mate is then lonely forever) was on a particulary wicked sock eating binge. My husband and son weren't suffering, because all their socks are the same, white, crew style. But all of my girl's cute colored, patterned,printed socks were coming back mateless.

    In a rush one morning, she dashed out wearing 2 totally unrelated socks. I didn't want to quash her personality and natural sense of style by making her change, and we were in a hurry, so I asked her to defend her choice. "We are LATE and besides, they will be INSIDE my shoes!" (Who can argue with the logic of s six year old?)

    And thus, a signature fashion piece was born.

    Ten years later,she's still doing it. Her friends think it's cool, and relate it to her individuality. Other mothers ask me why I let her do it. I just answer "Well, they are INSIDE of her shoes!"

    I do try to make sure she has plenty of clean, matched socks, but she just breaks up the pairs. Her sister just brought her a big bag of "lonely" socks, divorced from their mates because the dog ate one, or some other odd excuse, so she has a fresh crop to select from.

    Well, you gotta do something with them, right?
